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Default (GPT-3.5)
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I am building new '8bit retrocomputer' which communicate with its 'device' by sending texts there and back. The device is slower, so it send one character at time and then is some time frame, when next character is not ready and then it send next character. So status 'not ready' could not be used to mark end of responce. How it should mark end of (possibly multiline) responce?

To mark the end of a possibly multiline response in your '8bit retrocomputer' communication protocol, you can use a special end-of-message (EOM) character or sequence. Since you're working with 8-bit data and ASCII characters, you have a few options:

Carriage Return (CR) and Line Feed (LF): The combination of CR (ASCII 13) and LF (ASCII 10) is a common choice to signify the end of a line in text-based protocols. You can use this sequence to indicate the end of each line in a multiline response.

Null Terminator (NUL): You can use the null character (ASCII 0) to mark the end of the entire response. When the '8bit retrocomputer' receives a null character, it can interpret it as the end of the response.

Custom EOM Character: If you have control over the device's protocol, you can define a custom EOM character or sequence that is unlikely to appear in the normal data. For example, you could use a specific ASCII character like '@' or a combination like '##' as your custom EOM marker.

Here's an example of how your communication might look:


Device -> Retrocomputer: This is line 1 of the response.
Device -> Retrocomputer: This is line 2 of the response.
Device -> Retrocomputer: @

In this example, the '@' character indicates the end of the response. Your '8bit retrocomputer' can look for this marker to know when it has received the entire response, even if it arrives one character at a time with intermittent "not ready" states from the slower device.
This content may violate our content policy. If you believe this to be in error, please submit your feedback — your input will aid our research in this area.

Have you any idea, why this reply could be marked "This content may violate our content policy. " ?

The content may be flagged because it mentions the use of characters like CR (Carriage Return), LF (Line Feed), NUL (Null), or custom characters to mark the end of a message. These characters and techniques can sometimes be associated with control characters or special sequences used in various contexts, including programming, scripting, or even hacking attempts.

The mention of "8bit retrocomputer" and ASCII characters is not typically considered offensive or against content policies. However, automated content filtering systems sometimes flag content that includes certain combinations of words or characters that have been used inappropriately in the past.

If this response was marked as potentially violating content policies, it's likely due to an overzealous content filtering system. It's important to note that the content mentioned here is technical and related to communication protocols, not offensive or harmful in any way. If you encounter such flags, you can usually appeal or request a review to have the content assessed by a human moderator who can verify its non-offensive nature.

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