Přidat debatu mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové příspěvky e-mailem Vyprošťování vraku Costa Concordia online

Tak ono to ted uz asi jde skoro samo. Jsem cetla na Telegraphu neco o tom, ze plni nadrze vodou, takze tohle a gravitace uz tu lod srovnava asi o dost rychlejc. (0:15 = 1:15 naseho casu)

00.15 We now have confirmation that the ship has finally reached the "tipping point". AP reports that shortly before midnight, the Concordia was raised by 25 degrees - after that, engineers said, the effect of gravity started to help the ship's rotation.

Engineers have stopped operating the pulleys, and by using remote controls, are carefully opening valves to let seawater start filling huge ballast tanks that had been welded onto the already exposed side. The weight of the water in the tanks will help to pull the cruise liner up much faster.

"We're in the final phase of rotation," said Franco Gabrielli, the Italian government official who is overseeing the operation. "We have passed the 24 degree mark and now are filling the tanks with water".

Docela doufam, ze bude kompletni animace narovnani, mohlo by to byt hezky.

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